Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Brother, My Sister.... My Friend

I attended a cousin's wedding recently. She is the only girl among five siblings. Yet, she and her brothers are close and care deeply for one another. When we joked that the groom-to-be had to be 'cross-examined' and approved by the brothers first, the eldest brother candidly replied, "Of course! No one can bully our sister--- but us!"

How wonderful to have siblings looking out for you..

On the other extreme, an intensely bitter sibling rivalry between two brothers in Sabah ended with one murdering the other. This happened quite recently on 1st April 2010. The mother said the two fought often over petty issues which she believed was due to jealousy and unhappiness. The father said the two sons had been at odds with each other ever since the younger one was 3 years old. (Source: Sibling rivalry ends in murder)

Tragic, isn't it? -  that children from the same womb should hate each other so much!
Carpe Diem, ladies!
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Anonymous said...

Complex Post. This enter helped me in my college assignment. Thanks Alot