Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Do.....

By now, you may have noticed that I am alternating between child-related topics and marriage topics simply because as BB commented under 'Five Love Languages'"the more loving you are as a couple...the better it'll be for ur kids as well".

Therefore I thought, what better way to be 'more loving' as a couple than to be reminded of our wedding vows - that first day when we became husband and wife? So I managed to obtain 3 versions from a local church pastor. These are the wedding vows commonly used for Christian marriages. However, I welcome women of different religions to share the wedding vows which you used.

1st version:
I, (Name), take you, (Name) to be my wife/husband,
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better, For worse,
For richer, For poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
Until we are parted by death,
This is my solemn vow.

2nd version:
I take you, (Name) to be my wife/husband,
and I promise before God and all who are present here,
To be your loving and faithful wife/husband,
As long as we both shall live,
I will serve you with tenderness and respect,
And encourage you to develop God's gifts in you.

3rd version:
(Name), in the name of God,
I take you to be my wife/husband from this time onward,
To join with you and share all that is to come,
To give and to receive,
To speak and to listen,
To inspire and to respond,
And in all our lives together,
To be loyal to you with my whole being,
As long as we both shall live.

(Source: The United Methodist Book of Worship, 1992)

If you have made the above vows before and have forgotten them (like I have), why not take some time today after the kids have slept to renew that vow to each other?

"To have and to hold, From this day forward ......"

Carpe Diem, ladies!


karene lee said...

Although I had the first one, but I would prefer the third version if I was given the choice.

elisenaf said...

The Vows contains meaningful and beautiful wording. Should print it and hang it on the wall for daily reminder.

Mad About Writing said...

haha..karene lee, if I had a choice I think I want all three combined!
:) Very high expectations for both husband and wife!

I think there are meaningful words/phrases in all of them.

What stood out for me was the phrase "..until we are parted by death.." for the first one,
" SERVE you with tenderness and RESPECT.." for the 2nd one,
" be loyal to you with my WHOLE being.." for the 3rd one.

ya, elisenaf.. perhaps we should put one up in every room to remind us all the time!