Thursday, April 29, 2010

Potty Training - When, How, Which?

Sharon Chieng:
"Although my son is still too young to be potty trained, i would like to know how to get started when the time comes and what sort of potties are appropriate in terms of safety, easy cleaning and comfort.

I read somewhere that you can't force a toddler to potty train cause it might be traumatising, And if accidents do happen like they let go in their pants, how do you tell them without affecting their confidence that they need to do it in the loo?  

Currently i have a potty that looks something like this (Picture A):

The problem with this is that there are too many parts to fix and it's kinda light.

In the old days, a potty like this would suffice (Picture B);

But now you've got high-end inventions like this (Picture C):

The most common potty in the market looks like this (Picture D):

But i wonder would it be better to find those that attaches itself to the toilet so you don't have to bother with so much cleaning" ; (Picture E):


victoryong said...

most of the pictures have broken link. can you guys do something abt it, I wanna see the cute potty..

Sharon said...

hey something wrong with the pics leh.

laifchan said...

haha, my hubby beat me to commenting on potty-training:)

Sharon, just to share our experience with our boy...

My mum is a very enthusiastic (read almost kiasu) grandma. She started to potty-train our son at 6.5 mths!

Well, the good thing is my boy found it to be quite a lot of fun and will now make grunting sounds whenever he needs to poo and wait until he is sitting on the potty before he actually passes motion.

How it started:
My boy was put on the potty every morning about the time he usually poos (either after waking-up or after breakfast) for about 5 minutes with my mum making grunting sounds to try and induce him to poo.

After 2-3 days, my mum 'caught' his poo in the potty and gave a lot of positive reinforcement ie 'what a clever boy!'. She didn't scold him when there was no poo or if he pooed in the diaper.

My son got excited seeing himself in action in the mirror grunting away, probably thot pooing was like a game or something.

Amyway, he still pees in the diaper-no hurry with that. Passing motion seems to be easier to potty train now that he's on semi-solids coz he'll poo rather predictably on schedule 1-2 times/day, unlike the watery stools after almost every breastfeed.

Oh, the potty that we're using is the inexpensive old-fashioned plastic kind. Will try and post a picture later.

Mad About Writing said...

Alamak! how did it turn out like that..

Sorry sorry sorry!!!!

Ok ok ok... I fix it! But only tonight ya? Have to rush off now..

Mad About Writing said...

hang on it looks ok again on my side. How is it guys?

laifchan said...

onli can see picture C.....

Mad About Writing said...

ok, i think the pics should be ok now. Anyway, about potty-training..

I started training when my girl was 18 months, which is the recommended age because they have the physiological and mental maturity by then. They have the muscle control to regulate themselves by that age. The time it takes for a child to master it varies, may take up till 3 or 4 yrs old. Sometimes, my girl still has 'accidents' at night. But getting better now...

The sequence goes like this: a)night time bowel control b)day time bowel control c)daytime bladder control d) night time bladder control

For my girl, when she started, I had to take her to toilet every hour or half hour. Expect plenty of accidents. Everytime she sat to urinate, I told her "pee". When it's big business, I told her "poo". So she started to relate the words to whatever she was doing.
It took awhile before she got the hang of it. Sometimes, she even refused to sit on the potty.But it's just a matter of time and patience. Never punish the child or force him/her to sit on potty although some parents told me they threaten the child with a rattan to poo in the potty!

We have to take them and remind them at first, gradually, they'll tell us when they want to do it. Need plenty of patience and accidents are bound to happen. So, don't leave the good toys and books on the floor if possible!

I remember when my girl was 3+, she started speaking very well, she would sit on the toilet bowl doing her big business and she would tell "Oops, there's corn coming out and also raisins and also carrots because I ate that yesterday..." Gross, but cute!

Oh ya, I just used the ordinary potty (pic D). No need for fancy potties. I have potty E as well, but my girl didn't like it much.

laifchan said...

the potty my boy is using is in pic C

Ss said...

Mine use the old fashion one. Cost on RM 1 when I buy for my daughter. My children use the potty quite early indeed but usually we are at the back to support them. I'll be sitting on the floor, potty between my legs, the baby on the potty with my body supporting the back and my hand holding her. That's the way I can save the diapers.

My daughter stopped using the diapers at night when she's 2 years old. We didn't force her. I've wanted to put on the diapers for her but she don't want. At first, we still put on the diaper when she fall asleep. But after sometimes, we notice that the diapers are still dry till morning. So, then we didn't put on the diapers for her at night anymore. However, "accidents" still happens sometimes that year. However, if she pee before going to bed, it will be ok.

Day time, at first without the diapers, she'll accidentally pee on the floor too. I think it's ok. My girl don't like to get wet like that so I think that's how she gets to be more aware the next time she want to pee.

My boy is different. Can't remember when he stopped using diaper for morning but night he use until he is 4 years old. When teacher tell him not to use diaper (shame shame), he did come back and say he don't want to use at night too. So, we let him try but well accidents happen and he's afraid he'll accidentally pee at night again, so request to put on diapers at night again. But if morning, the diaper is dry we will let him see his diaper, "see the diaper still dry" and praise him "very good".

So, different kids, different timing to stop using diapers. But to use potty, I'll let them use early, of course make sure we support their back (if before 1 year old) because breastfeeding .. they poo many times a day. Imagine every poo, we need to change the diapers or lampin. That's a lot of work and cost.

Mad About Writing said...

I have a question!

My girl is now 4 yrs old and she's able to go to toilet by herself but she refuses to clean herself after her big business. (I guess it's partly my fault as I instilled the idea of cleanliness and hygiene since she was very young) So now, she refuses to clean herself (she says she doesn't want to get her hands dirty) and still wants me to do it for her.

Now, how do I help her to be independent in this area? It's fine when we're at home but I want her to be able to clean herself in case she does it at school..

alicia said...

my mum started potty training for my bb gal when she was 4 or 5 months old! now at 9 mo, whenever we remove her diapers b4 washing her bottom, we make 'ssshhh' sounds and she will pee by herself . the same thing with passing motion. We have the type C potty with a handle in front so she can ride it like a 'horse'. she'd make a certain grunting sound and occasionally her face turns red with straining so we quickly remove her diapers and put her in the porrt and she will pass motion..

laifchan said...

just a thot becky,

mebe start with principles ie though our hands get dirty, it won't remain dirty forever coz they can be cleaned.

do you just wipe after passing motion or clean with soap and water ?

what if she wipes with toilet paper first and then clean-up with soap and water?

how bout this line of reasoning:
if mummy's hands got dirty after cleaning-up, mummy's hands do get clean again after washing properly so the same goes for her rite?

Mad About Writing said...

laifchan: I kinda used that reasoning already. No harm trying some more.. ;)

Ss said...

My girl learn to clean herself quite early. But my boy still can't do it himself. Well, I should say, we haven't let him try. Ya, our fault. Wanted to start to let him try but sometimes, we are just too busy/lazy to let him try because I want work to be done fast. If let him try, I need to check also, if he get himself dirty, need to clean him, etc. There's one time he want to do it himself but I stopped him (2 months ago). Hmm ... maybe should let him try this weekend.

Unknown said...

From my experience with my two children, potty training started right from the first month. My mum used to gently rub my baby's tummy and make the appropriate noises (wee2 or biggie)and hold her over the pottie. Over time, when they are able to sit, the mobile attachment over the toilet seat is best. Both my kids were potty trained by the time they were 2 years and ready to join play school.