Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Carpe Diem, Mamas!

Hello and welcome to Carpe Diem Mamas!

This blog is created as a support group for all mothers, experienced or new, stay-at-home or working mums, who just do not have the time (or whatever reason...in fact, other reasons don't really matter cause they all tie back to
time anyway) to be present physically at your community's mothers' group. However, we still need support, fellow mothers who understand our daily challenges and experienced mothers who can also impart wisdom to new mothers.

I chose
Carpe Diem Mamas to remind us to seize every precious moment of everyday- cherish your children's growing years, treasure our roles as mother/teacher/comforter/diaper-changer/peace-maker..etc, and to grab every opportunity to do something new; wall-climbing, knit, public-speaking, cook Japanese, bake a cake, triathlon-racing..the sky's the limit!!! Share with us how you balance your life to the fullest!

Who can be a member?
Mothers or mothers-to-be. It doesn't matter if you're mother of 1 or mother of 10.

What can you contribute?
Your questions, your answers, your sharing on our latest topic.

What else?
Eventually, we'll start a 'Too-Good-To-Throw' (TGTT) segment where members can either pass down their baby items to fellow members or sell at a discounted price once their children have outgrown it.

We're open to new ideas and possibilities. So, pass the word around and we look forward to have you joining us!

Carpe Diem Mama - Becky

Disclaimer: Please take note however that the content of this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not meant nor designed to be a substitute for professional medical consultation. While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided, Carpe Diem Mamas does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. As such, readers use any advice/information/tips/suggestions at their own risk.


laifchan said...

way to go, becky!

yeah, seize the moment indeed.

lesson learnt 2day: not 2 b over-enthusiastic about introduction of solids. will stick to 1 week of pumpkin and hope jason poos better :)

A bit of background info:

Jason, my 6 mth old just started solids last week after exclusive breastfeeding. He was fine on Nestle Cerelac (plain rice) 2 spoons mixed with breastmilk every morning.

Seemed 2 satiate him well enough as he slept peacefully and only woke-up at 11:30pm, 3am and 6am for milk. Last milk intake at 7-8pm before bedtime 8:30-9pm.

Life was blissful after months of interrupted sleep until I started him on 2 spoons of pre-ground multi-grain Ecobrown rice this week.
On mon, added the rice porridge (slow-cooked) at bout 4:30-5pm. Tues: porridge plus a bit of pumpkin. No poo from Tues morn till Wed morn when he thankfully passed out a small amount of stool. My mum kept worrying bout constipation so planning to just give pumpkin this evening. Too complicate matters, he seems to have a slight flare of a bit of eczema on the face (started before solids and resolved with Clobetasone cream). So, just pumpkin in the evening for a week and pray for the best!

laifchan said...

Hallelujah! Jason poo-ed big time this morning! Never thought I'll see the day when a pile of stools made my day!

More on semi-solids soon.....

Mad About Writing said...

YYeaah! That's great! You know you're a mother when your child's poop calls for a celebration!! Hahaha!